A place of webs and shadows, where time slows and a strange music signals enchantment.
The Loom features an eerie soundtrack by composer Abi Fry, produced by recording the otherworldly sounds issuing from an Aeolian harp. The Aeolian harp, an instrument played solely by the wind, was a prime symbol of the Romantic era. It was thought to have been originally invented by Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680) who was also lowered into the crater of Vesuvius, tried to construct a world language, and studied Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Aeolian harp that features in The Loom was made especially for the film by instrument maker James Parry.
Toby Tatum’s film “The Loom is a disturbing work that will patiently involve the spectator in its web” Curtas Vila Do Conde, 2019 festival catalogue.
Writer Ben Nicholson (a.k.a Alt/Kino) featured The Loom in his in-depth survey of Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival 2019 for UK film journal Sight & Sound magazine. The article is online to read here.
Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival director Michael Pattison included The Loom in his end-of-year best film list for Sight & Sound magazine. Michael’s list, which also includes stand-out work by Richard Forbes-Hamilton and Stephen Broomer, is online in full here.
The Loom is distributed by Collectif Jeune Cinéma. Collectif Jeune Cinéma, founded in 1971, promotes visual experimental practices through the distribution of experimental cinema, regular monthly screenings and the yearly Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux. To rent The Loom for a screening please contact: admin@cjcinema.org
To be properly experienced The Loom should be watched in the dark.