Enter The Green Mind, where lizards pose in secret grottoes, bats circle twilit jungles and snakes entwine amongst flowers.
The Green Mind features an original soundtrack by composer Abi Fry.
“In the dim light of The Green Mind (2013), iguanas, snakes and a lonely tamarin come out of the darkness. They get confused in ferns, intertwine with flowers and disappear among palm branches, which cover them with multiple exposures of static watery frames.” The Green Mind was reviewed by cineaste Maria Gribova for Cineticle Art-cinema magazine, featuring as their Film of the Week. In the article writer Maria Gribova considered the film as a journey “towards the onieric visions of the lost unconscious” - “в сторону онейрических видений утраченного бессознательного”. The full review, in Russian, is online here.
The Green Mind is distributed by Collectif Jeune Cinéma. Collectif Jeune Cinéma, founded in 1971, promotes visual experimental practices through the distribution of experimental cinema, regular monthly screenings and the yearly Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux. To rent The Green Mind for a screening please contact: admin@cjcinema.org
Please kindly note: to be properly experienced this film should be watched in the dark.