Glimpse phantasmagoric gardens: warped, improbable and fantastic. An abandoned Eden has grown strange. Lost Gardens is a portal to another world, one where a forgotten magic still holds sway.
Lost Gardens features an original soundtrack by composer Abi Fry.
In his in-depth survey of Toby Tatum’s films writer Borja Castillejo Calvo called Lost Gardens “one of his most mystical works”. The full article, in Spanish, is online to read at the fantastic Cinesinfin website.
Lost Gardens is distributed by Collectif Jeune Cinéma. Collectif Jeune Cinéma, founded in 1971, promotes visual experimental practices through the distribution of experimental cinema, regular monthly screenings and the yearly Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux. To rent Lost Gardens for a screening please contact: admin@cjcinema.org
Please kindly note: to be properly experienced this film should be watched in the dark.